Friday, March 18, 2016

Teacher's Pet: Chris's Ace Frehley

Think you're a teacher's pet? You got nothing on our furry pals. This month, we introduce you to Ace Frehley, one of Chris's two scrumptious feline companions. 
Pet name: Ace Frehley
Age: 5 months
Background: Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA said I'm a Siamese mix and that my sister, Clarice Starling and I were strays that came in with a bunch of kittens. 
Likes: hanging out, playing fetch, napping, terrorizing the humans while they sleep. 
Dislikes: heavy audible breathing in my personal space. 
Special abilities/tricks: sometimes I make dinosaur sounds when I'm excited. 
Favorite toy: anything noisey, shiny, crinkley. preferably in the shape of a ball I can swat all over the house.

Favorite place to sleep: under the bed or beneath mom's makeup desk.
Favorite way to be bad: eating plants that I know I shouldn't. 
Favorite way to be good: snuggling with the fam.
Favorite words: I prefer love bites.
Favorite yoga pose: eka pada sirsasana or leg behind the head pose. 


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