We've all done it: been in yoga class, taken a peak at a neighbor's mat and wondered why they're using a block, or why they're bending their knees, or why their twists look different than your own. Why are they doing that? You ask yourself, and should I be doing it, too? The answer to the first question is simple: it helps them tailor their practice to their own needs. The answer to the second question: maybe!
Saturdays at 11am, join Ani for Alignment School-- a workshop style class dedicated to deepening body awareness, functional strength and an all around stronger yoga practice. Limited to 8 people, this class will feature one on one direction, personalized modifications, and lots of prop work. Whether you're new to yoga and looking to prevent injury, or you're a veteran seeking more detailed instruction, this is the class for you. Expect a challenging, non-judgmental, and playful environment-- all in the service of growing a practice that works best for you and your own body.
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