To Harness the Energy:
Sit upright with the head in line with the spine and both feet on the floor (or cross legged), and hands gently placed on your lap. Close your eyes.
Become relaxed by slowly breathing in and out for a few minutes.
Now, visualize the universal life force as a glowing ball of light from the sun, and draw it into your body as you breathe in. See it as a white light and direct it from the crown of your head down the spine all the way to the base of the spine. On the out-breath, bring the white light back up the spine but push it out through the heart chakra. Allow the heart chakra to be charged with this white light.
You are now charging yourself with universal life force or prana.
Resource: Amma Magi,
Chona offers Reiki on a donation basis on Thursday evenings at the studio. You can sign up on our workshops page.
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