Friday, July 24, 2015

Yoga and Healing - Fundraiser at NHP

By Krysten Clark

I like to think that I didn’t find Yoga, but rather, Yoga found me. 

I remember feeling very lost, unsure of where I was going, and frankly, a bit broken.  It was 2010 and after going through a painful divorce, following a troubled and dark marriage,  I needed SOMETHING.  My boyfriend at the time, now fiancé, (bless his heart) had bought me a Yoga DVD for Christmas.  I popped it in, and was intrigued but discouraged because I didn’t feel like I was doing the postures right and wasn’t feeling the benefits I heard you were supposed to have.  I disheartedly commented, “Maybe I just need to take a class.”  That was just the beginning of the healthiest relationship I have ever had…my Yoga practice. 

I remember how it was for me when I first started.  First of all, I SUCKED, which surprised me greatly.  Well, this turned out to be very challenging but I kept pressing on day after day.  Physically, I adapted and my body started to change, but really the true change was far more dear and precious-and completely unexpected, a sense of love and self worth. 

I thought I had loved myself before my practice.  But it showed up for me in different destructive ways.  I didn’t really value myself or my body.  I ate and drank what I wanted and didn’t really think of any consequences.  I was very self gratifying but again, not in a nourturing way.   What happened for me during the times that I forced myself to take a Yoga class and push myself through my excuses, is I started to actually show up for MYSELF.  Day by day, moment to moment, I realized so much about who I am and what I have to offer.  I started to feel a true sense of gratitude for life and for whom I chose to fill it with.  I started to truly love myself and care about the choices that I made and demand more for myself.  I can’t even begin to express how Yoga has helped shaped me into the woman that I am proud to be today.

The reason why I tell my story is because we all have a story.  Most of us can identify with some dark or currently dark times.  Many of us can relate to feeling stuck, alone, un-nourtured, broken, unwanted, etc etc.  Yoga to me, was the greatest gift that found its way into my heart.  And I want to share it with some women that may or may not ever have the opportunity to experience. 

I, along with my amazing Team, am putting together a Healing and Yoga Retreat to benefit 20 women from Haven Hills Shelter who are victims of Domestic Violence.  The retreat itself will be a 2 day/1 night stay in beautiful Topanga Canyon in a quiet and scenic B&B.  They will experience guided Yoga and Meditation, healthy organic meals, workshops, group therapy with professionals, connection to nature, hiking, a “Cooking For Nourishment” class, Reiki, and other self care/beautifying activities.

  We are hosting a silent auction/fundraiser at our studio to support this venture on August 8th from 7-10:30PM during Highland Park Art walk.  We will feature live music, a healthy taco food truck, complimentary beverages, awesome goods and services from local businesses and vendors to bid on, and mini reiki, massage, and taro card reading stations.  All donations will be used towards funding the retreat.  Please come out and have fun with us! 

For more information on how to get involved or to make a donation, please visit

Yoga and healthy self care brought me so much joy and closer to myself.  I want to share with those who need a little extra love in this world.  Please join us in this beautiful cause and help support and bring awareness to Domestic Violence.   Your support will make such a difference!  Namaste. 


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